Hygiene Classes for 4th and 5th Graders

In the East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS), a holistic approach to education includes personal hygiene classes designed to empower 4th and 5th-grade students with essential life skills. Simply put, self-esteem is how you see yourself and a personal appraisal of your worth and value (MANifesto.PH Team, 2021). Here's why these classes matter and how they're making a difference.

Personal hygiene encompasses a wide range of habits that help children maintain cleanliness and health. It includes practices such as handwashing, oral hygiene, body care, and even emotional well-being. Teaching personal hygiene to 4th and 5th graders is crucial for several reasons:

1.     Health Benefits: Good hygiene practices reduce the risk of illness, including common infections and diseases. By learning these habits early, children can build a strong foundation for a lifetime of well-being.

2.     Social Confidence: Proper personal hygiene can boost a child's self-esteem and confidence. Feeling clean and fresh helps children interact with their peers more comfortably.

3.     Preparation for Adolescence: As children enter adolescence, puberty-related changes make personal hygiene even more critical. Teaching these habits early ensures they are well-prepared for the transition.

In conjunction with personal hygiene education, it's crucial to emphasize the significance of ensuring that 4th and 5th graders have accessible hygiene products. Moreover, readily available hygiene products empower students to uphold their personal cleanliness, fostering a sense of self-confidence. Access to essential items such as soap, toothpaste, and personal hygiene products for girls and boys.  We will mobilize resources to continue empowering girls and boys in schools (Daniel, 2019).

When students have the necessary tools to care for themselves, they are more likely to feel comfortable and self-assured in social interactions. Furthermore, ensuring equal access to hygiene products is essential in promoting equality within the educational setting. It removes barriers related to socio-economic backgrounds, guaranteeing that all students have an equal opportunity to maintain their health and well-being.

In conclusion, the provision of hygiene products to students goes hand in hand with personal hygiene education, offering vital support for their health, bolstering their confidence, and contributing to an equitable educational environment. It provides them with the means to maintain proper hygiene practices, which are integral for their overall health.


Daniel, K. (2019). “Include men and boys in menstrual hygiene to reduce gender inequalities.” Sanitation and Water for All. Retrieve from  https://www.sanitationandwaterforall.org/news/include-men-and-boys-menstrual-hygiene-reduce-gender-inequalities.

MANifesto.PH Team. (2021). “The Importance of Personal Hygiene in Developing Positive Self-Esteem.” Body Care for Men. Retrieved from https://www.beautyhub.ph/manifesto/body-care-for-men/importance-of-personal-hygiene-to-self-esteem.


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