Conversations about Women's Contributions to Humanity

In the pages of "The Women Who Invented Writing and Ancient Egyptian Civilization: The Missing Link In Technology, Women’s History & Girls Education," we unearth the remarkable story of women's roles in the birth of writing and the foundation of ancient Egyptian civilization. This revelation is not just a historical tidbit; it's a testament to women's enduring influence on our world.

“Women’s Contribution to Humanity”

In 2021, Maasai women in Northern Tanzania asked Network of Women NOW to bring feminine hygiene to their village. The Maasai women have begun to lay the foundation to build a school for girls and boys in the surrounding areas.

But why does this matter in the context of the Network of Women NOW's mission? Because it bridges the gap between our ancestral past and our contemporary struggles and aspirations. Women have always been architects of progress, and today, their contributions are more vital than ever. Women civilized men, not the other way around.[1]

In modern society, women are central to every facet of life. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to innovative entrepreneurship and transformative leadership, women drive change and champion equality. Women’s particular positions in their life courses often played an important role in their decisions to move into a specific business.[2] Our diverse perspectives, talents, and experiences enrich the global narrative, shaping policies, businesses, and cultural landscapes.

The Network of Women NOW stands on the belief that acknowledging women's pivotal role in history is not just about commemorating the past but also illuminating the path forward. It is an invitation to empower and elevate women, ensuring their voices are heard, their talents are celebrated, and their rights are safeguarded. Join us for a conversation about women’s contributions to humanity. Ubibi uniting humanity one country at a time.

As we engage in these vital conversations about women's enduring contributions to humanity, we must recognize that the past is a blueprint for the present and the future. By celebrating women's accomplishments, we empower ourselves to build a world where every woman has the opportunity to thrive, where gender equality is a reality, and where women continue to lead us toward a brighter tomorrow. Join us in honoring women's legacy and forging a future where their significance is never in question.


[1] Allyn, L., (2019). “The Women Who Invented Writing and Ancient Egyptian Civilization: The Missing Link In Technology, Women’s History & Girls Education," Press. Retrieved from

[2] Aspaas, H.R. (2004). “Minority women’s microenterprises in rural areas of the United States of America: African American, Hispanic American and Native American case studies.” GeoJournal 61: 281-289.


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